Tuesday 15 March 2011

Building the model.

This is my first exercise, I liked the idea of the solid on top of empty space. My god was sketchup a pain. But over time it was easy, sat on it for a few hours to learn what tools do what and then it was smooth sailing from there. This was design to be more of a gallery, and how you walk through a tunnel, immersed in art. Hence I did the whole tunnel idea.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Class Task

Girl With The Pearl Earring. Painted with oil paint during my course last semester. I was really struggling with the amount of time it took to complete. It took about 2 days to finish, so I guess that patience is a virtue.  Colour was meant to be black, by mixing primary colours, but instead came out blue.

The Kendrick House by Studio B Architects. I'm fascinated with space and the endless things that can be done with it. How it somehow fits into the surrounding area. With the wood used to construct it. It feels like a building that's made to blend with the environment.

Le Stanley Hotel, New Caledonia. This was shot outside my balcony in the early hours of the morning. About 7AM. This was the morning before the cyclone hit New Caledonia. I feel it is beautiful because it's just serene. How everything is at peace, when suddenly the worse can come just shortly after.

Ron Mueck.  Human, Old, Interesting

Malangi.   Aboriginal, Historic, Inspiring

Banksy. Girl, Powerful, Thrilling