Thursday 16 June 2011

Experiment 3 - The Offices

Experiment 3 - The Meeting Point

Experiment 3 - zShare uploads

Objects Folder -
Levels Folder -

Experiment 3 - Mashup

Experiment 3 - The Textures

Experiment 3 - The Elevators.

Experiment 3 - The Bridge

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Experiment 3 - The Trial Elevator.

The idea of a moving entity in Crysis. Russel made this idea sound difficult, but it was pretty simple.The flow charts are easy to understand once you watch the tutorial once. There's nothing really hard about getting the elevator to work, especially if it's a simple platform. However, getting the perspectives and speeds of the elevator is just a matter of trial and error. This simple circular platform I placed where I intend to make my meeting place for my two clients.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Experiment 3 - The Valleys.

Experiment 3 - One Point Perspectives.

The vast amounts of drawing we have to do for all the experiments is insane! But none of it went to waste. I've learnt something new from all the drawings we have had to do over the semester. This one particularly was most interesting. I've never draw perspective drawings ever before this course, and to draw these one point perspectives was most intriguing. If you moved the vanishing point  away or towards the horizon more or less of the figures were revealed in the drawing. These power words we had to include with each figure was a way of allowing us to think creatively.

Experiment 3 - Two Point Perspectives.

As I said, more drawings! This time two point perspectives. Using three t-shaped prisms we had to draw a series of two point perspective drawings. This was also a first for me, drawing two point perspective drawings and they were bloody difficult! I could manage drawing the above and eye level, but drawing the below view was definitely mind-boggling for me. However, with time I managed to get how to draw all three levels easily. These drawings are a lot more artistic, having a sense of depth within each one.
This idea of adding a second perspective to these sketches, we can understand each figure on a deeper level. These reminded me of MC Escher's work, trying to add as much detail into the drawing as possible.