Friday 29 April 2011

Experiment 2. The Axonometric.

At first, I didn't understand what we had to do for the lesson. When the hypothesis' for each individual was being collected, I was trying to figure out the purpose for them. Then when I started to draw, I thought to myself. 5 rectangular prisms only?! There's no way we could get complex shapes and ideas from just 5 prisms. Then the idea of subtraction was introduced to me, and I thought to myself that they could help further my ideas in my drawings. Little did I know that the subtractions were counted as a prism. So back at square one I had to redraw them, though now I look back at them, some of then I cannot prove to be 5 prisms.

1) Newton - The sun held the world together.
2) Newton - If it wasn't for apples, we'd be floating in space.
3) Freud - A deeper level of thought can be obtained through hypnosis.
4) Agnesi - It is believed that everything were made from polyons.
5) Freud - Drugs help the mind advance.
6) Freud - The mind can be a prison.

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